The best results possible! Successfully and expertly completed a TAVI on High Risk 72 Year Old using MYVAL!

Today, a TAVI procedure was performedin on a high risk patient aged 72 years, who had severe aortic stenosis post CABG. The patient had undergone CABG 9 years back by CIMS Cardiac Surgery team and had mild aortic stenosis at that time. He also has severe COPD, old age and high frailty index. Therefore performing a surgical procedure was very high risk in this patient. Myval (Indian TAVI valve ) was successfully implanted via transfemoral route with conscious sedation. The patient was conscious and talking when the valve was being implanted.
Dhiren Shah

top cardiac surgeon
Dr. Dhiren Shah is patient rated as The Best Cardiac Surgeon in Ahmedabad and Best Heart Transplant Surgeon in Gujarat with 9 successful heart transplants to his name. He is affiliated to CIMS Hospital in Ahmedabad that was recently awarded the title of best hospital in Gujarat in India for the year 2018 by the Times CyberMedia Group.
Dr. Dhiren Shah can’t stress enough that this website is for patient education only and not for solicitation. Please always consultant your doctor or seek guidance of your preferred hospital.