High BP

  • People suffering from high blood pressure have the highest chance of suffering from cardiac diseases, as the load on the heart muscles gets increased.
  • Due to increased load on the heart muscles the ability of the heart to pump blood is reduced, can lead to heart attack.
  • High blood pressure not only causes heart problems but it can also cause stroke and renal (kidney) problems.

Increased cholesterol

  • Increased cholesterol in the body results in the fatty deposition in the arteries, which causes narrowing of the arteries (atherosclerosis). This results in obstructed blood flow or blocked blood supply to the heart.
  • The obstructed/ blocked blood flow to the heart can cause coronary artery diseases.


  • Increased blood glucose level causes heart muscles to become stiff and hard and also causes fatty depositions in the arteries. This as a result can cause heart diseases.
  • The stiffening of the heart muscles reduces the capacity of the heart to pump adequate amount of blood to the body. This leads to several health problems like: heart disease, stroke, kidney problems, eye problems.

Shortness of breath and fatigue

  • Shortness of breath is generally associated with problems that affects the lungs and hearts. Whereas, fatigability can be due to many reasons like intake of medicine but sudden onset of fatigability signifies heart diseases.
  • Shortness of breath and recent fatigability is a classic example of heart failure

Swelling in foot

  • In presence of heart disease the flow of blood through the heart and back to it reduces, causing build up fluid in the foot, legs and ankles.
  • Swelling in feet without any known pathology is a common symptom of heart failure.

Chest pain 

  • Chest pain is a result of decreased blood supply to the heart.
  • When the blood flow to the heart is reduced the pain in the chest (angina) is a warning sign to see the doctor. It may not be life-threatening but can be a warning sign to heart attack or stroke.

Increased heart rate

  • People having heart rate higher than 70 beats/min at rest are at the risk of developing heart diseases.
  • The resting heart rate of a healthy adult varies from 60-100bpm depending on his/ her lifestyle. Increase in the heart rate can be a cause of inability of the heart muscles to work properly.